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Are eggs healthy and can they be eaten every day?

Author: Yulia Vasilenko, Health Coach, sports nutritionist

Eggs are one of the products that periodically gets on the list of “harmful”. I decided to talk about it in a detailed article.

Cholesterol in eggs

The biggest complaint about eggs is their high cholesterol content. In eggs, it really is about 200 mg in one. At the same time, it is worth remembering that we need cholesterol, in a certain form and quantity, since it positively affects the functioning of cells, the synthesis of hormones, vitamin D and other processes.
So does egg cholesterol affect cholesterol levels? There is a study that involved 521,120 people in the US over the age of 50. They studied the effect of egg consumption on CVD mortality due to egg and cholesterol intake. (Egg and cholesterol consumption and mortality of cardiovascular and different causes in United States: A population-based cohort study, 2021).

Scientists have concluded that cholesterol from eggs increases the risk of mortality. BUT, the results could be affected by how the subjects presented information and what foods they got their cholesterol from. After all, in addition to eggs, we often consume more harmful sources of cholesterol – also trans fats, which are now abundant in food, especially when you look at the average American diet, dairy products, red meat, etc.

Cholesterol in different food

Содержание холестерина в продуктах

Impact on the microflora

Another reason why it is now recommended to abandon eggs again is that they are toxic to us due to a certain reaction of the microflora.

Do eggs affect the intestinal microflora
Eggs are a rich food source of choline. Some microbes in the gut can convert choline and carnitine into a compound called TMA. It is then absorbed and converted in the liver to TMAO.

“Elevated serum TMAO correlates with inflammatory diseases such as coronary atherosclerosis, 46 type 2 diabetes mellitus 47 and chronic kidney disease,” – says the study, “The gut microbial metabolite trimethylamine N-oxide aggravates GVHD by inducing M1 macrophage polarization in mice, 2020″.

However, in recent years, numerous studies have confirmed that egg consumption does not increase blood levels of TMAO. The reason for this is that eggs contain a lipid-soluble form of choline that is very well absorbed in the small intestine, so does not reach microbes in the colon and therefore does not result in microbial production of TMA.


As with any product, it is important to follow the principle of proportion. Cholesterol from eggs will only have a positive effect on health, because it is vital in moderation. Even if you take into account the amount of other useful substances. Therefore, 1-2 eggs per day is enough. It is better to remove other foods containing cholesterol from the diet: trans fats, red meat, dairy products, etc. Even if you already have high cholesterol, it is better to reduce it not by removing eggs from the diet, but by including physical activity and increasing the consumption of vegetables. There is an evidence base for a positive effect on cholesterol levels of training and fiber (25-35 g / day).

If you want to balance your diet and start eating healthy and not give up, I offer an individual work with me as a sports nutritionist, nutrition coach. You can also buy an individual nutrition program that will contain a menu of dishes, an analysis of your current nutritional situation and how you can change it step by step.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

  • What happens if you eat a lot of eggs per day?
    A large amount of eggs in the diet can lead to high cholesterol levels and high protein intake. Egg protein is well absorbed and over time, the excess protein will have to be utilized by the body? Which can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • What happens if you eat 3 eggs every day?
    If you have no contraindications, cholesterol levels are normal, then this amount is acceptable. Eggs contain vitamins A, E, K, D, which positively affect hormonal balance, immunity, and overall energy levels.
  • Can you eat eggs for breakfast?
    Eggs for breakfast are an ideal source of fat and protein. Eggs saturate well and allow you not to feel hungry for a long time. Fats in the yolk have a positive effect on the outflow of bile in the morning, which is the prevention of cholelithiasis.
    Eggs contain vitamins, essential amino acids and fats. The ideal option for preparing eggs for breakfast is boiled eggs or a steamed omelette.
  • How often can you eat eggs?
    The optimal amount is 1-2 eggs per day. It all depends on your body weight and health status. With high cholesterol levels, you need to plan your diet more carefully, taking into account the intake of cholesterol from other foods.
  • What’s wrong with eggs?
    To date, there is no reliable evidence of harm from egg consumption. The main negative impact of high egg consumption is it’s cholesterol. At the same time, if earlier it was believed that the maximum allowable amount of cholesterol per day is 200 mg (equal to the content in 1 egg), now there is no clear definition of how much is acceptable, there is no restriction. It was also believed that eggs can cause the release of toxins by the intestinal microflora. To date, there are studies that refute this.
  • How many eggs can a teenager eat per day?
    Taking into account the fact that the body of adolescents needs an increased intake of protein, for comparison, for an adult, the norm is 0.8-1 g of protein / 1 kg of body weight, then for a teenager it is 1.5-2 g / 1 kg of body weight. In addition, the content of vitamin D contributes to the growth of a teenager, normalizes hormonal levels. Therefore, a teenager can eat 1-3 eggs per day, depending on the total amount of protein and cholesterol consumed from other foods.
  • How to eat eggs to lose weight?
    Eggs have a high content of protein and fat, which perfectly saturates the body if they are eaten in the morning. Eating a hearty breakfast in the morning has been proven to help control appetite throughout the day and prevent overeating. Therefore, 2-3 boiled eggs per day will help saturate the body, provide vitamins, minerals and easily digestible protein.
  • How many eggs to eat to build muscle?
    One egg contains about 6 g of protein. With a consumption rate of 1-2.5 g of protein / 1 kg of body weight necessary for building muscle mass, but taking into account the fat content in eggs, you can consume 1 egg with yolk and another 1-2 egg whites. For example, a 3-egg omelet with 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites. So in the end you can get about 20 g of protein, this is the amount that the body can absorb in one meal.

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